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Get ready for  an exciting summer!

The Jr. Miss Marion County helps serve as a host for the fair. She also makes community appearances throughout the year! 

As a contestant in the Jr. Miss Pageant, you'll learn a dance, learn how to walk on stage, practice interview skill, and make a ton of new friends! 

We hope you will spend your summer with us as a Jr. Miss Contestant!

Do I qualify?

Let's find out...

  1. Contestant must be a U.S. Citizen; Contestant, Parent, or Legal Guardian must be resident of Marion County.

  2. Contestant must be between the ages of 10-13 by the date of the pageant.

  3. Contestant agrees to be personally interviewed by a panel of judges, appear in casual wear, and evening gown and answer on-stage questions.

  4. If chosen as Jr. Miss Marion County Fair, the contestant agrees to serve as co-hostess for  Marion County Fair.

  5. Jr. Miss Marion County Fair agrees to represent the Marion County Fair at the various functions listed in the Jr. Miss Schedule of Events. All personal appearances as Jr. Miss Marion County Fair shall be approved in advance by the Pageant Director, as well as any photographic sessions or picture releases.

  6. If the newly selected Jr. Miss cannot fulfill all of the expressed duties or violates any rule set forth for a contestant, she will immediately relinquish her title (including crown, banners, trophy, and all prizes) to be succeeded by the next eligible runner up, if so requested by the Pageant Director and/or the Marion County Fair Association Officers.

  7. Only a single pair of earrings can be worn during competition, facial, & body piercings are prohibited during competition.


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